NASC Symposium: 100 Days and Counting

 Posted on: January 30 2019
We are officially under 100 days until the NASC Symposium! Are you joining us in Knoxville, Tennessee from May 6 through the 9th? Each year, leaders from event hosts, tourism professionals and industry partners gather to exchange resources, strategies and solutions. A few reminders for those of you coming to Knoxville: Do you have your hotel reservation? The hotel blocks are quickly filling up. Get yours today: Event owners -- NASC will book your hotel room.  Destinations: Register by 2/15/19 to be entered to win your top 3 mutually requested appointments (10 organizations will be selected) Vendors: Register by 2/15/19 to be entered to win a free pre-symposium eBlast (3 organizations will be selected) Event Owners: Register by 3/22/19 to be considered for travel assistance You can start preparing for the 2019 NASC Symposium right now. Check out which event owners are coming and which destinations wi...

The National Association of Sports Commissions to Host Four Signature Education Programs in 2019

 Posted on: January 16 2019
CINCINNATI, Jan. 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The National Association of Sports Commissions is getting ready for its 2019 program slate of four national conferences, which will bring the national membership and sports events leaders in the industry together for educational and networking opportunities. The Women’s Summit from April 3-5 hosted in Tampa, Florida is developed by top female leaders in the sports events and tourism industry to help women achieve their career goals. Topics include building allies, breaking down barriers, personal branding and female entrepreneurship. Registration is open now: The NASC Symposium, which will be held May 6-9 in Knoxville, Tennessee, will bring hundreds of sports events and tourism professionals and industry partners together to exchange resources, strategies and more. The Symposium features dozens of education sessions, networking opportunities, and business development...

Resolutions for the New Year

 Posted on: December 18 2018
It’s hard to believe the holidays are here and 2019 is just weeks away.  It’s a wonderful time to spend with family, enjoy the company of friends and reflect on 2018.  It’s also the time of year people begin to make their annual resolutions for changes they would like to make in the coming year.  While making your New Year’s resolutions, don’t forget to about your job and changes you would like to make there as well.  Here are my resolutions to help get you started… My first resolution for 2019 is to better develop the relationship I have with my Parks & Recreation department.  While some cities have amazing private sports parks or school facilities to utilize, many of us rely a great deal on our public parks to host many of our events.  As cities to continue to grow and the availability of open field time shrinks, a great relationship with your parks and recreation staff can help overcome facility obstacles.&nbs...

Be a Speaker at the 2019 NASC Symposium

 Posted on: December 6 2018
The NASC Symposium is a unique opportunity to share your experience, expertise and best practices with sports event professionals. We are seeking a combination of peer-to-peer sessions, as well as presentations from subject matter experts to deliver the best educational opportunities for all disciplines in the sports event and tourism industry. We invite you to submit a proposal for the 2019 NASC Symposium taking place May 6-9 in Knoxville, TN. Submit a Proposal If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at or 513.281.3888.

Plant the Seed for 2019

 Posted on: December 4 2018
I must confess that I do not read as much as I should, something that I hope to change in the New Year. My neighbor is retired and he spends a lot of time in and around his yard. His efforts there are productive as he has a great lawn and it looks amazing through the growing cycle. Many years ago, on our Public Television Station there was a regular program that was hosted by Jerry Baker, America’s Master Gardener. My wife recently purchased a book from him, “Fast Fixes and Miracle Mixes for your Lawn and Garden.” Inside, is over 300 pages of lawn care cures and home remedies for your lawn and garden. Our winter here in Dayton, OH seems to have started early as we had our first snow and ice in mid-November. I did not get around to it, but one of the recipes in the book for Fall Lawn Food application included: 1 bag of low-nitrogen dry lawn food (enough for 2,500 square feet) 3 lbs. of Epsom Salts 1 cup of gentle dry laundry soap (not detergent)...

Download Your Digital Copy of the NASC Playbook Winter 2018-2019 Edition

 Posted on: December 4 2018
The Winter 2018-2019 edition of the NASC Playbook is available now.  Download your copy. Inside this issue Awards Commitee Accepting Entries Registration and Housing Open for 2019 Symposium Bylaws, Branding & Strategic Planning Tips from the Member Mentoring Committee We encourage members to share information with your peers. Contact Meagan Grau, Director of Member Services and Engagement, at to learn more about how you can contribute to a future edition of The NASC Playbook. Happy Holidays! The NASC Staff

Destinations: Register by 2/15/19 and be entered to win your TOP 3 mutually requested appointments

 Posted on: October 19 2018
Online registration and housing for the 2019 NASC Sports Event Symposium is open! The 2019 Symposium, scheduled for May 6-9 in Knoxville, TN, marks the 27th anniversary of the only non-profit, 501(c)3 association for the sports events and tourism industry in the United States.  The Symposium features dozens of authentic education sessions, countless networking opportunities, and business development appointments in the NASC Sports Marketplace.   DESTINATIONS: Register by 2/15/19 and be entered to win your TOP 3 mutually requested appointments. *10 organizations will be selected  VENDORS: Register by 2/15/19 and be entered to win a FREE pre-Symposium e-blast to all registered event owners. 3 organizations will be selected. The NASC staff, Board of Directors and Symposium Committee are looking forward to seeing you.  By attending, you will learn how to produce measurable ROI, elevate your sports events, and improve the quality of...

Take a Tour of Knoxville, TN

 Posted on: October 19 2018
As you register for the 2019 NASC Symposium, May 6-9 in Knoxville, set aside time to take a look around our host city while you’re there. While Knoxville may be best known as the home of the University of Tennessee, it holds the distinction of being the smallest city to host of a World’s Fair when it held the event in 1982. The Sunsphere Tower left over from the fair remains a skyline fixture. Springtime in the South is always a great time to visit, and here are some activities you might want to check out while you’re at the Symposium: Knox Brew Tours: Tours are held weekly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and it’s a good way to experience Knoxville’s growing beer scene with someone else driving. Find out times and details at Knoxville Walking Tours: Experience a closeup look at the pioneers, soldiers, outlaws and even fictional characters that have given Knoxville a colorful past. They include looks at the Civil War,...

Last Minute Must Do’s Before Leaving for NASC 2018 Symposium

 Posted on: April 9 2018
Last Minute Must Do’s Before Leaving for NASC The National Association of Sports Commissions (NASC) Sports Event Symposium is just around the corner! And if you’re attending for the first time, you’re in for a real treat. On April 23rd, people from all over the country will come to Minneapolis to learn from and network with hundreds of sports tourism professionals. The NASC Symposium “will feature dozens of authentic educational sessions, countless networking opportunities, and business development appointments in the NASC Sports Marketplace.” As a newbie, attending your first NASC can be a little overwhelming. You might not be sure what to expect, what to bring, or how to prepare for the show. Whether you’re a vendor, an event owner, or a destination attending NASC for the first time, here are some tips to help you get ready for the show. Check Your Itinerary + Plan Your Arrival Traveling to a new city can be nerve-wracking, especiall...

First-Time Symposium Attendee Orientation and Networking Reception

 Posted on: April 3 2018
Are you attending the NASC Sports Events Symposium for the first time? Get ready to make some new friends, have fun, and learn a new idea to take back to your community! Are you a first-time attendee or a new NASC member? We invite you to come to the First-Time Orientation and Networking Reception on Monday, April 23rd. The First-Time Orientation is at the Minneapolis Convention Center from 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm. The Reception is at the Brit’s Pub from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm (a short walk from the convention center). Come attend the First- Time Orientation to learn tips and ask questions about the NASC Sports Events Symposium. Meet your mentor so you may put a face to the emails and phone calls. (I am looking forward to meeting my mentees.) The orientation will be a great opportunity to meet new colleagues who will become your friends. We in the sports tourism industry have a lot in common and have lots of fun! The First-Time Networking Reception will be an opportunity to conti...
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