NASC Symposium: 100 Days and Counting

 Posted on: January 30 2019
We are officially under 100 days until the NASC Symposium! Are you joining us in Knoxville, Tennessee from May 6 through the 9th? Each year, leaders from event hosts, tourism professionals and industry partners gather to exchange resources, strategies and solutions. A few reminders for those of you coming to Knoxville: Do you have your hotel reservation? The hotel blocks are quickly filling up. Get yours today: Event owners -- NASC will book your hotel room.  Destinations: Register by 2/15/19 to be entered to win your top 3 mutually requested appointments (10 organizations will be selected) Vendors: Register by 2/15/19 to be entered to win a free pre-symposium eBlast (3 organizations will be selected) Event Owners: Register by 3/22/19 to be considered for travel assistance You can start preparing for the 2019 NASC Symposium right now. Check out which event owners are coming and which destinations wi...

How CVBs and Event Partners Can Provide a World-Class Experience to Visitors

 Posted on: January 29 2019
How CVBs and Event Partners Can Provide a World-Class Experience to Visitors When you think of Disney World, what comes to mind? If you’ve ever had the chance to visit Mickey’s magical land, you know that every detail of every park and resort is tailored to create an immersive, unique experience to all who enter (and they do such a great job of this that they have a whopping 70% return rate for first time guests!).  So, what does Disney World have to do with us as event partners or host communities? Well, it’s safe to say that we’re all looking to provide the best possible experience to all of our guests so they continue to come back, year after year. It’s unlikely that most of us will be able to eliminate all litter at our events by ensuring that no trash can is ever more than 30 steps away, or create an elaborate system of underground tunnels for staff to travel between locations, but there are many other ways in which we can all work togethe...

NHL Selects Two Cities to Host Outdoor Games in 2020

 Posted on: January 18 2019
A big win for two National Association Sports Commissions members as the National Hockey League selects two cities to host outdoor games in 2020. The 2020 Bridgestone NHL Winter Classic is headed to its southernmost location yet. The Cotton Bowl Stadium in Dallas, Texas will play host to the January 1st game. The contest will mark the first NHL regular-season outdoor game for the Dallas Stars. The game in 2020 will mark the 12th year for the first NHL Winter Classic. The Colorado Avalanche will also host an outdoor game in 2020 at the United States Air Force Academy, in Colorado Springs. The NHL Stadium Series will play at Falcon Stadium on February 15, 2020. The Avalanche’s opponent will be named at a later time. This is the second NHL outdoor game for the state of Colorado, and the first in Air Force’s history. Congratulations to both Dallas Sports Commission and Denver Sports!   Read full article by NHL.

The National Association of Sports Commissions to Host Four Signature Education Programs in 2019

 Posted on: January 16 2019
CINCINNATI, Jan. 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The National Association of Sports Commissions is getting ready for its 2019 program slate of four national conferences, which will bring the national membership and sports events leaders in the industry together for educational and networking opportunities. The Women’s Summit from April 3-5 hosted in Tampa, Florida is developed by top female leaders in the sports events and tourism industry to help women achieve their career goals. Topics include building allies, breaking down barriers, personal branding and female entrepreneurship. Registration is open now: The NASC Symposium, which will be held May 6-9 in Knoxville, Tennessee, will bring hundreds of sports events and tourism professionals and industry partners together to exchange resources, strategies and more. The Symposium features dozens of education sessions, networking opportunities, and business development...

New Year - New You

 Posted on: January 15 2019
NEW YEAR - NEW YOU Happy New Year! The NASC Mentoring and Engagement Committee wishes each of you the best in 2019: in business, personal relationships, competitions, and personal growth! Goal #1 - I will read this entire blog post. Goal #2 - I will take the action at the end of the post. If you can reach these two goals you’ll begin the year with two ‘Wins!’ GOALS = SUCCESS If you want to succeed you must set goals. Without goals we flounder, directionless. Goals provide a roadmap, waypoints, direction, and, ultimately, achievement. Your goals can be short-term or long-term; your goals can be personal and/or professional; your goals can be big dreamer and/or mundane. The point is that with our goals on paper they become real and attainable. Take a few moments to review how to create, measure, and realize your goals! GET MOTIVATED Get excited about what you want to achieve this year. It’s a new year and we are all recharging for the upc...

Football and Sales: What do they have in common?

 Posted on: January 9 2019
As the football season moves into the playoffs, TravelPulse takes a look at the many similarities between sports and the business world. Both football and sales are contact sports in their own ways. In football, the contact is your rival team. In sales, you have three main contacts… Your first contact is your support network. Without the collaboration of your colleagues, your success would not be nearly as great. They keep you focused on moving towards your goals and hold you accountable. The client is known as your second contact. Typically lots of contact is made with the client via email, phone call, meetings, etc. to communicate and come to an agreement on a suitable outcome for both parties. Follow-up is the third and arguably most important contact. Because less than 30 percent of your clients will work with you again, working hard to maintain current clients is much more cost effective than finding new ones. It takes a team effort to achieve success. Be sure t...

Ideas on How to Fill Your Venue with Events

 Posted on: January 7 2019
A new year can bring the same troubles for event spaces. One of the biggest questions is how do you attract events to your venue or city. We found a few simple venue promotion ideas, thanks to Eventbrite. 1. Start with a Refresh It’s a simple idea, but it could really help. Review your website, social media channels and marketing. Make sure it’s up-to-date, on brand, and it’s selling your venue. 2. Update Photography This is the same idea as a refresh. If your pictures are outdated or grainy, it might be time to take a few new pictures. Don’t be afraid to include action in your photos whether it’s a team scrimmage or parents in the stands. This allows any potential client to visualize themselves in your venue or city. 3. Create a Virtual Tour Go one step further than photos. Give potential clients a 360° tour of your space on your website. EventBrite suggests getting started with a service like Google’s Tour Creator to showcase ...

Why You Should Attend the 2019 Women’s Summit

 Posted on: January 2 2019
I was lucky enough to attend the Inaugural Women’s Summit last year in Columbus, OH. I wasn’t sure what to expect with it being the first year that NASC put something like this together – it was great, everyone was a first timer! The first gathering of the Summit was the opening reception. It was relaxed and a great opportunity to meet other women in the industry. I met several colleagues I had not had the pleasure of meeting before, and are now friends. The thing I enjoy most about NASC events (Symposium, 4S, and now Women’s Summit) is the opportunity to meet others in the industry. I’m able to take the relationships I build and use it as a help line with any questions I may have regarding the sports world. The second day we had inspiring speakers, opportunities to talk about issues we encounter in our jobs as a group and were able to experience Tourney Town for Women’s Final Four (probably my favorite part of the event.) Not only was I able t...

Resolutions for the New Year

 Posted on: December 18 2018
It’s hard to believe the holidays are here and 2019 is just weeks away.  It’s a wonderful time to spend with family, enjoy the company of friends and reflect on 2018.  It’s also the time of year people begin to make their annual resolutions for changes they would like to make in the coming year.  While making your New Year’s resolutions, don’t forget to about your job and changes you would like to make there as well.  Here are my resolutions to help get you started… My first resolution for 2019 is to better develop the relationship I have with my Parks & Recreation department.  While some cities have amazing private sports parks or school facilities to utilize, many of us rely a great deal on our public parks to host many of our events.  As cities to continue to grow and the availability of open field time shrinks, a great relationship with your parks and recreation staff can help overcome facility obstacles.&nbs...

Media and the EIC

 Posted on: December 7 2018
Stuck on how to share information on Destinations International's Event Impact Calculator with the media in your community? Take a look at how Louisville Tourism is doing it: Calculating Individual Economic Impact of Louisville’s Conventions and Events In 2017, the LCVB transitioned to a new EIC (Economic Impact Calculator) which takes into account more variables than previous models. The Destinations International Event Impact Calculator (EIC) is the official industry standard for measuring the Estimated Economic Impact (EEI) of an event. Once event specific data is entered into the system (dates, attendance, room nights, number of exhibits, etc.), the calculator uses eight different sources of industry data (including city-specific data such as average room rate) to compile a complete event impact analysis. This model uses data provided by the organizing body such as anticipated room nights, attendance, ticket sales, length and type...
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