Bonny Bernat, STS

Senior Sports Development Director
Bonny Bernat, STS

Bonny, a native of Massachusetts, relocated to North Carolina in 2007 where she worked with a destination management company in Charlotte serving the motorsports industry. Prior to her move, she worked as a sales manager for the Greater Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau where she managed convention, meeting, and group tour sales, with a special focus on SMERF, association markets, and sports-related groups.

She originally joined Visit Winston-Salem in 2009 as senior sports & events sales manager — a role she held for almost 13 years. She returned to Visit Winston-Salem recently after working as director of learning and development for the Sports Events & Tourism Association (Sports ETA) and as a business relations and events manager for Steel Hands Brewing. Bonny’s current role with Visit Winston- Salem is as the senior sports development manager.

Bonny originally joined Sports ETA in 2007 and earned her Sports Tourism Strategists designation in 2013. She is the former chair of the North Carolina Sports Association, a position she held for 2.5 years. She is also a graduate of Worcester State University, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, and Clark University, where she earned a Master’s Degree in Professional Communication.